MARCH 27-29, 2015

Charles Bennett received the Wayne Smith Award for
outstanding service to Friendship Force International and to Friendship Force
Baton Rouge. The Award was presented by
President Keith Corkern, FFBR at the beginning of the Southwest Regional Conference. Cinda Clark (FFI Board Member), Frances Bennett, Charles Bennett, and Ana Smulski (FFI Staff) are in the photo.

The major highlight of the conference for those on the
cruise was the chance to meet Captain Jim Wetherbee and listen to his
experiences as an astronaut in America's NASA space program. In fact, those on the Saturday night cruise
also had a chance to meet his wife, daughter, and future son-in-law. Captain Wetherbee gave a presentation
utilizing over 6 notebook computers held by his family members and others as he
gave a very personal and detailed talk on his experiences and life as an
astronaut. You can google jim wetherbee and pickup more on his
life and accomplishments. He is a
veteran of six space flights and was the first American to command five space
missions. Passing through numerous
careers which included setting up his own company, working for BP Global,
engagements as a professional speaker, and now as a drummer in a band, Captain
Wetherbee still enjoys everything that life has to offer.
FFI has partnered with the Homestay organization. Organized just two years ago and headquartered in Dublin. Homestay.com already has 30,000 members. Click on Homestay.com to learn more about the organization's vision and goals.
Please read the accompanying notes on the conference prepared by Mary Williams from the Dallas, Texas, Friendship Force Club. The photos and notes are used here with her permission.
Please read the accompanying notes on the conference prepared by Mary Williams from the Dallas, Texas, Friendship Force Club. The photos and notes are used here with her permission.
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